Saturday, July 08, 2006


Belated thanks to everyone who showed up at the Jigsaw Saloon (not Tavern, sorry) for the showing of the rough cut of the movie! I got a lot of cool interviews while I was out in Cleveland including Mr. Fraser Suicyde and all three Munchkins at once (a lingering wet-dream of mine for the past 23 years).

Once I get some of the new stuff edited together, I'll be putting more bits up here & more of the film up on YouTube. I heard from some potential distributors already which is very cool. We'll see what pans out....

wow!! what a great movie trailer.. I just saw the trailer to "the U.S. versus john Lennon." not to compare your movie to that one, but sound drives a movie home. lennon's music was so powerful.. it really made me want to go see it. maybe you should use some of his music in your movie. couldn't hurt..
Keep up the good work »
Best regards from NY! Chevrolet el comino Famous shoe designers
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